What are the Special Instructions?

Learn how the special instructions section can help you share vital information to your bidders.

Add vital information relevant to individual sales, or policies relevant to your operation. . 

This is a great place for: 

  • Vital policies you need to communicate with your bidders.
  • Information about a particular auction's contents. 
  • Post-auction procedures relevant to your business. 
  • Important terms & conditions relevant to your sale. 

Bidders often do not read the terms and conditions that they agree to while registering for your sale. Your special instructions can be an additional opportunity to communicate important information with your bidder. 

Tips for writing a successful special instructions: 

  • Keep it brief. 
  • Write in bullet points.
  • Emphasize what's actually important. 
  • Keep it fair, keep it reasonable. 

Here is where the special instructions appear on the bidder-facing side: 


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