Email Winning Bidders

Sellers can alert bidders about changes to post auction options.

Sellers might need to resend their win emails for several reasons, sometimes pickup times change, sometimes there are policy errors caught after the auction. 

To correct these issues, sellers need to go to the “auctions” tab of the seller dashboard and click on the title of the auction (in this case, note that the auction is already closed). 

Under the auction checklist to the left of the seller’s screen, select “win email.” This field will already be checked. 

Edit the win email accordingly, adding whatever message the seller needs to add. 

Note that this will not save as a template, but rather a unique message to this auction. 

Sellers can even remove information and change the subject line. 

To resend the email, go back to the manage auctions page by selecting “auctions.” 

Then, select the action drop down arrow. 

Sellers should select “Resend Win Email.”

All winning bidders will receive the edited win email.